Release notes for Sprint 242
Released to PRODUCTION on 2025-03-10.
- [Java SDK][6.2.967]
- [Java] RegistrationFacadeAdapter and FifaConnectIdClientAdapter have now been deleted as announced on 2024-10-07. See for guidance on migration.
Release notes for Sprint 241
Released to PRODUCTION on 2025-03-04.
A new functionality has been added to the Audit Trail page: filtering parameters are now part of the URL. It means that you can filter the page, add it to your browser's favourites and you will always be able to return to a specific, pre-filtered view. For example this link will show you all the "person force registered" operations for your MA since 4th March 2024.
By the way, the similar capability was released for the Persons view a few weeks before.
Release notes for Sprint 240
Released to PRODUCTION on 2025-02-19.
- each data holder of a FIFA_ID will now see the full history of Audit Trail operations for that FIFA_ID. Previously they would only see those executed by their MA.
- each data holder of a FIFA_ID will be able to access the single person page for that FIFA_ID. Previously, only the current owner of the FIFA_ID could access it.
- visiblity rights in the persons page remain unchanged for now but are expected to follow the similar pattern around Q2/2025.
Release notes for Sprint 231
Released to PRODUCTION on 2024-10-07.
- [.NET SDK][6.2.99]
- [Java SDK][6.2.963]
- [PHP SDK][6.1.1624]
- An optional data field for Club Training Category (ClubTrainingCategory) has been added to OrganisationLocalType. This field can now be included when registering new organisations or updating existing ones. Changes to this field will be synchronised from Connect ID to TMS starting from the TMS release on 2024-12-10 so we don't recommend updates before that date.
- An optional data field for Compliance and Payment Manager (ComplianceAndPaymentManager) has been added to OrganisationLocalType. It contains name and email address. This field can now be included when registering new organisations or updating existing ones. Changes to this field will be synchronised from Connect ID to TMS starting from the TMS release on 2024-12-10 so we don't recommend updates before that date.
The following email validation pattern is used on the server:
const string Pattern = @"^(([^<>()\[\]\\.,;:\s@""]+(\.[^<>()\[\]\\.,;:\s@""]+)*)|("""".+""""))@(([^<>()\[\]\\.,;:\s@""]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,})$" - [Java] RegistrationFacadeAdapter and FifaConnectIdClientAdapter have now been marked as deprecated for deletion in the beginning of 2025. See for guidance on migration. Please note that adapters don't support the fields mentioned above.
- An optional data field for Club Training Category (ClubTrainingCategory) has been added to OrganisationLocalType. This field can now be included when registering new organisations or updating existing ones. Changes to this field will be synchronised from Connect ID to TMS starting from the TMS release on 2024-12-10 so we don't recommend updates before that date.
- Admin Console
- Organisation details page will now contain Club Training Category as part of its primary Details section.
- Organisation details page will now contain Compliance and Payment Manager as part of its secondary Contact details section.
- Organisation details page now displays its Logo picture if it is available.
- Fixed a bug, which was causing export to fail, when called on any other page than the first one in Persons, Organisations and Facilities registrations lists pages.
Release notes for Sprint 230
Released to PRODUCTION on 2024-09-18.
- [.NET SDK][6.2.98]
- [Java SDK][6.2.956]
- [PHP SDK][6.1.1623]
- Fixed a bug in logs which, in the case of an error in Service Bus message processing, prevented developers from seeing details of the message (e.g. Sender) to see access to allowing to manually test if the listener is operational.
Release notes for Sprint 226
Released to PRODUCTION on 2024-08-06.
- [PHP SDK][6.1.1621]
- (THIS IS A BREAKING CHANGE) The following are a breaking change if HashedPersonProcessorInterface has a custom implementation. For most users, no action is necessary:
- HashedPersonType was moved from namespace Fifa\ConnectId\Sdk\Api\Model\ to Fifa\ConnectId\Sdk\Model\
- HashedPersonType no longer has a constructor, setter methods should be used instead
- Various properties from HashedPersonType were removed, they were not used anywhere
Release notes for Sprint 225
Released to PRODUCTION on 2024-07-09.
- [.NET SDK][6.2.94]
- [Java SDK][6.2.948]
- [PHP SDK][6.1.1618]
- [SDK] URL mask for the club's website (when MA is creating/updating a club and includes their website as one of the parameters) was updated to allow local characters to be part of the URL (e.g. http://www.landså New rules are already released on the server side but in order to get a validation on the client, a new SDK needs to be installed. New RegEx for developers implementing a client side validation in their NRS-es:
- Fixed a bug which prevented access to allowing to manually test if the listener is operational.
Release notes for Sprint 220
Released to PRODUCTION on 2024-05-23.
- [.NET SDK][6.2.92]
- [Java SDK][6.2.945]
- [PHP SDK][6.1.1614]
- The Connect ID SDK documentation has been revised to better guide users through the integration process.
- JavaDocs have been enabled for the Connect Service Bus SDK.
Release notes for Sprint 216
Released to PRODUCTION on 2024-03-05.
- [PHP SDK][6.1.1612]
- Known compatibility issues were fixed to ensure better experience for users using PHP 7.4 in their NRS.
Release notes for Sprint 213
Released to PRODUCTION on 2024-01-25.
- [.NET SDK][6.2.87]
- [Java SDK][6.2.939]
- [PHP SDK][6.1.1610]
- Improved validation for WebAddress and Email properties in OrganisationLocal and FacilityLocal. Only one email address and one web address is accepted. Properties remain optional, so users are free to provide either NULL or a correct value.
Release notes for Sprint 208
Released to PRODUCTION on 2023-11-09.
- Admin Console - existing "Reports" section was replaced by "Power BI Reports" section. Users have access to all the reports they previously had access to (Persons, Audit Trail, Organisations & Facilities). An additional report (Trends) is available. Note that visibility rights are in place: an MA user will only see their own data and statistics. Any feedback regarding the new reports will be most welcome! Just drop us an email and we will follow up.
Release notes for Sprint 205
Released to PRODUCTION on 2023-10-09.
- [.NET SDK][6.2.81]
- [Java SDK][6.2.932]
- [PHP SDK][6.1.1601]
- The Receive and RenewLock methods were removed from SDKs. Instead, only methods PeekLock and Delete should be used.
Release notes for Sprint 203
Released to PRODUCTION on 2023-08-29.
- [.NET SDK][6.2.80]
- [Java SDK][6.2.928]
- [PHP SDK][6.1.1599]
- The FifaConnectServiceBusClient class no longer includes the CreateTopic and DeleteTopic methods, effectively preventing the creation of queues or topics.
Release notes for Sprint 201
Released to PRODUCTION on 2023-08-21.
- [.NET SDK][6.2.79]
- [Java SDK][6.2.927]
- [PHP SDK][6.1.1598]
- Improved system ID validation for persons, preventing users from registering person with an invalid System ID.
- SB SDK methods now throw TooManyRequestsException for requests which were throttled by FIFA Connect ID APIs.
Release notes for Sprint 199
Released to PRODUCTION on 2023-07-19.
- [.NET SDK][6.2.73]
- [Java SDK][6.2.918]
- [PHP SDK][6.1.1591]
- [All SDKs] XML-based methods for:
- persons registering,
- persons force registering,
- getting potential duplicates for person
were removed. Methods were marked as deprecated in Sep 2022 (Sprint 176). Object-based equivalents should be used instead. - [PHP, .NET] Fixed a bug: personRegistrationContext was missing from a string representation of PersonDuplicateType.
Release notes for Sprint 197
Released to PRODUCTION on 2023-06-15.
- [Java SDK][6.2.912]
- [Java SDK] Removed the ModelMapper library (org.modelmapper : modelmapper : 2.3.5) as a dependency, to allow users to upgrade to Java 17.
Release notes for Sprint 195
Released to PRODUCTION on 2023-05-09.
- [.NET SDK][6.2.68]
- [Java SDK][6.2.910]
- [PHP SDK][6.1.1583]
- Restrictions on who is allowed to perform the merge operation on two persons have been relaxed. This was done to allow clients who registered duplicates with inactive registrations to merge them into existing records. Previously such a merge was not possible because having an active registration was required. The change has been done on the server side so there is no need to update SDKs but new packages contain updated documentation. All the details concerning the new logic can be found in the article Merging rules explained
- [PHP SDK] Fixed a potential security issue
Release notes for Sprint 191
Released to PRODUCTION on 2023-03-24.
- [.NET SDK][6.2.67]
- [Java SDK][6.2.908]
- [PHP SDK][6.1.1581]
- [All SDKs] Date of person's record registration in the Connect ID was added to the model in deduplication scenarios. This information should be used to determine a primary record during person merges. Details can be found in the article.
- [All SDKs] FifaDuplicatedEntityFoundException, thrown by FIFA Connect ID Client's methods for persons registration and update, has been renamed to FifaDuplicatedPersonFoundException for clarity. This is a breaking change. Exception handling of the following methods needs to be reviewed:
- [.NET] FifaConnectIdClient.RegisterPersonAsync() & FifaConnectIdClient.UpdatePersonAsync()
- [Java] FifaConnectIdClient.registerPerson() & FifaConnectIdClient.updatePerson()
- [PHP] FifaConnectIdClient->getPersonApi()->register() & FifaConnectIdClient->getPersonApi()->updatePerson()
- [.NET] FifaConnectIdClient.RegisterPersonAsync() & FifaConnectIdClient.UpdatePersonAsync()
- [.NET SDK & Java SDK] Fixed a bug in the caching mechanism. It prevented SDK from automatically refreshing a public key of a message recipient as designed, i.e. after 24 hours. Note that this caused problems on the recipient side only if:
- they renewed their public key
- they did not implement the recommended mechanism of decrypting messages with previous (old) key
- [.NET SDK & Java SDK] Fixed a bug which on very rare occasions caused a wrong (too low) score to be saved in the Connect ID and later displayed in the deduplication scenario. Problem would only appear if a given person was registered with two sets of names and one name would be a subset of another, e.g. ['John Smith', 'John Smith-Doe'].
Release notes for Sprint 188
Released to PRODUCTION on 2023-02-08.
- [Java SDK][6.2.903]
- [Java SDK] Fixed an issue which caused SDK version not to evaluate properly in certain setups.
Release notes for Sprint 187
Released to PRODUCTION on 2023-01-27.
- [PHP SDK][6.1.1575]
- [PHP SDK] Added a check in SqliteStorage and MessagesSqliteStorage to make sure that the row with a correlationId was not yet inserted to local database to fix a rare issue where message is processed second time due to failure of deleting the message from topic.
Release notes for Sprint 186
Released to PRODUCTION on 2023-01-18.
- [.NET SDK][6.2.62]
- [Java SDK][6.2.898]
- [PHP SDK][6.1.1562]
- [All SDKs] Introduced new method "GetDataHoldersOfPerson" which can be used to test Data Holders functionality and confirm that your request has been processed. Please note, that it is not recommended to call it after every call to "RegisterAsDataHolderOfPerson". The description on its correct usage can be seen in chapter 3.2.11 Data holders of the SDK documentation.
- [PHP SB SDK] Fixed method "ToStringConverter" which did not work correctly in PHP 8.0+ due to breaking changes introduced in this PHP version.
- [.NET SDK] Improved logging functionality in FifaConnectIdClient to be able to log all of the important exceptions.
- [.NET SDK & .NET SB SDK] Updated documentation to link to article describing correct configuration of NuGet packages in .NET standard 2.0.
Release notes for Sprint 180
Released to PRODUCTION on 2022-10-27.
- [.NET SDK][6.2.22]
- [Java SDK][6.2.877]
- [PHP SDK][6.1.1485]
- [All SDKs] Introduced the functionality of sending person details via the Service Bus - part of the Connect ID infrastructure. For more information please refer to this article.
- [PHP SDK] Fixed an error caused by a null PersonDuplicateWithDetails when duplicates were returned for person registration or update or when directly querying for duplicates.
Release notes for Sprint 179
Released to PRODUCTION on 2022-10-05.
- [Java SDK][6.2.844]
- [Java SDK] Fixed a bug which in very rare cases has been causing "Illegal instant due to time zone offset transition" error when initializing personLocal object. The error ocurred when the date of birth pointed to a date/time that did not exist in the local timezone due to a time zone offset transition.
Release notes for Sprint 178
Released to PRODUCTION on 2022-09-27.
- [.NET SDK][6.2.3]
- [Java SDK][6.2.840]
- [PHP SDK][6.1.1457]
- [All SDKs] Internet connection is no longer required in order to validate XML documents. This is to avoid potential issues with changes made by World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).
- [All SDKs] Find()'s schema has been fixed in order to signify that modifiedAt is always returned.
- [.NET SDK] is now distributed as a NuGet package. The ZIP archive no longer contains plain .DLL files you need to embed into your project. Instead, the archive contains NuGet packages. Please read the article in order to learn how you can install them.
- [.NET SDK] implements .NET Standard 2.0. Connect ID integration may now be implemented in .NET Core/.NET 5+ and hosted on Windows & Linux. .NET Framework 4.5 support has been dropped. Please refer to the table in order to see the supported versions.
If you are targeting .NET Framework, make sure that you have Newtonsoft.Json 9.x (or newer) installed.
Release notes for Sprint 176
Released to PRODUCTION on 2022-09-02.
- [.NET SDK][6.1.1747]
- [Java SDK][6.2.828]
- [PHP SDK][6.1.1444]
- [All SDKs] XML-based methods for:
- persons registering,
- person force registering
- getting potential duplicates for person are now marked as DEPRECATED. Object-based equivalents should be used instead. Methods are scheduled for removal in the beginning of 2023. - [.NET SDK] GetAllOrganisations() method has been removed as it doesn't support a Member Association use case. Find() method should be used instead. This is a breaking change.
New feature: Data Holders support
[All SDKs] Registering a Football Management System / MA as a data holder of a person with a RegisterAsDataHolderOfPerson(...) method.
New method supports a scenario when MA adds an existing FIFA_ID to their FMS (usually for an inactive player) without otherwise interacting with the Connect ID. By doing so MA becomes a so called data holder of a person. They will be included in a player's passport and will receive certain notifications about updates to that player's record. To learn more about data holders visit this article.
Member Associations will be contacted by the Connect ID team in order to plan the roll-out of the feature, as it requires not only the implementation of the abovementioned method but also a bulk process to register as data holders for all their existing FIFA_IDs.
The note below applies to the release notes for the Sprint 168.
Please note that the following version of the SDK contains changes to the data model of SDK’s communication with the Clearing House. We encourage you to adopt the new SDK and implement the necessary changes, but mind that you will not be able to test the actual interface (i.e. send ProofOfPayment, FirstProRegistration or the DomesticTransferDeclaration messages) until the TMS Team introduces the necessary changes on their side. This is estimated to happen in July 2022. For additional details on the Clearing House interface contact
Update: TMS released the support for a new version of SDK to Preproduction on 5th July 2022. From that moment communication between MAs and the Clearing House/TMS can only be done via a new version of the SDK (see below).
Release notes for Sprint 168
Released to PRODUCTION on 2022-06-29.
- [.NET SDK][6.1.1682]
- [Java SDK][6.2.784]
- [PHP SDK][6.1.1413]
- [All SDKs] Logger implementation is now mandatory. The listener's logging process has been reworked in order to ease the process of debugging common problems. You can find detailed instructions on what changed & how to use it here. This is a breaking change.
- [All SDKs] Added a new, required property to TMS-related messages: MessageId. This property is intended to clarify which request is new and which is a retry. This is a breaking change.
- [All SDKs] Added a new, required property to DomesticTransferDeclaration: SellOnFee. This is a breaking change.
- [All SDKs] Added a new type of payment (SellOnFee) in the ProofOfPayment message.
- [.NET SDK] GenericMessageHandler is now always called for unrecognized message types.
- [Java SDK] MutableLogger has been removed. This is a breaking change.
- [Java SDK] BackgroundListener.setListener method has been removed. This is a breaking change.
Release notes for Sprint 166
Released to PRODUCTION on 2022-04-05.
- [.NET SDK][6.1.1569]
- [Java SDK][6.2.702]
- [PHP SDK][6.1.1260]
- [All SDKs] Service Bus notifications when the player's date of birth, gender or name changed. To learn more about notifications please read this article.
- [All SDKs] New API endpoints used internally in the SDK. If behind a firewall, please make sure to update your whitelist configuration. You can find the list of URLs that need to be enabled here. We strongly recommend to test the setup in Preproduction, before the Production release.
- [All SDKs] New exception type - TooManyRequestsException. Throttling policies may be enacted if an increased load is experienced on our servers, limiting the number of requests in a given period. Whenever a request would exceed the limit the SDK would throw a TooManyRequestsException. The exception will contain information as to the time when the operation can safely be retried. No throttling policy is enabled by default since the intention is to enable it only as a reaction to a single user's mistake causing high load and issues with system's availability for other users.
Release notes for Sprint 164
Released to PRODUCTION on 2022-03-08.
- [PHP SDK][6.1.1224]
- [PHP SDK] When PeekLock and Receive did not get any messages an error was logged and NoMessagesAvailableException was thrown. This exception will no longer be thrown, instead when no message is found a 'null' will be returned and a debug message will be logged. This is a breaking change.
Release notes for Sprint 163
Released to PRODUCTION on 2022-02-24.
- [.NET SDK][6.1.1478]
- [Java SDK][6.2.662]
- [PHP SDK][6.1.1218]
- [All SDKs] Service Bus notifications when the player's FIFA ID got invalid due to a merge operation. To learn more about notifications please visit this resource.
- [Java+PHP SDK] Implemented client-side validation
- Invalid requests (i.e. registering players/organisations/facilities) will now fail on the client without being sent to server
- There is a new exception being thrown: ValidationException.
- This is a breaking change
- [Java] new exception needs to be handled (code snippets in SDK documentation)
- [PHP] new exception should be handled (code snippets in SDK documentation)
- This is a breaking change
- [All SDKs] Case sensitivity of Language and Country codes
- Previously only enforced on server's side, it's now also checked on SDK's side
- [.NET] This is a breaking change for clients using a custom location of the XSD files. For it to work properly, ensure the following steps are performed:
- The class PathToScenariosXsdResolver is replaced by XsdSchemasDirectoryResolver.
- The IPathResolver is replaced by IDirectoryResolver
- If you have XSD schema files in a custom location, pass IDirectoryResolver to correct places, see the SDK documentation part "2.4 Validation against the XSD schema" for details.
Release notes for Sprint 154
Released to PRODUCTION on 2021-10-21.
- [Admin Console] reports will no longer take into account merged Persons and Organisations
- [DevTools] fixed misleading FIFA_ID in the description of tests PE15, PE16 and PE17
Release notes for Sprint 147
Released to PRODUCTION on 2021-07-12.
- added server-side validation for the correctness of the FIFA_ID for Persons, Organisations & Facilities. From now on if the format of the FIFA_ID is wrong, the user will receive a client-side error and the request will not be sent.
- person merge: corrected a bug which allowed to execute operations on the [secondary] merged record
- person merge: corrected a bug which allowed to merge person into an already merged record
- person update: corrected a bug which, in rare circumstances, prevented an update operation from being displayed in Audit Trail
Release notes for Sprint 146
Released to PRODUCTION on 2021-06-22
- [.NET SDK][6.1.1364]
- [Java SDK][6.2.565]
- [PHP SDK][6.1.1091]
- [Java SDK] Fix formatting for log "Updating registration with force: %s for request: %sfalse".
- [All SDKs] Adjust documentation to contain information about setting up a logger and how to pass Logger to RegistrationFacade
Release notes for Sprint 144
Released to PRODUCTION on 2021-05-28.
Member Associations based on PHP with versions [6.1.1052] or [6.1.1062] need to upgrade to at least version [6.1.1065] due to a bug in PHP SDK (see below).
- [.NET SDK][6.1.1339]
- [Java SDK][6.2.554]
- [PHP SDK][6.1.1078]
- [.NET] Fixes an issue with XmlDeserializationException causing a NullReference exception when there are no validation errors
- [All SDKs] Removes an optional flag useAsyncApi that could be passed to RegistrationFacade to switch the internal implementation of the API calling mechanism.
Release notes for Sprint 142 (PHP SDK hotfix)
Released to PRODUCTION on 2021-04-30.
- [PHP SDK][6.1.1065]
- [PHP] Reverts a change that caused the contentType parameter to be required when creating instances of PictureEmbedded & DocumentEmbedded. This bug causes the code to fail when creating objects like PersonLocal or WorkPermit (in DomesticTransferDeclaration) if the parameter is missing. Only PHP MAs that do not use contentType parameter are affected.
Release notes for Sprint 142
Released to PRODUCTION on 2021-04-29.
- [.NET SDK][6.1.1295]
- [Java SDK][6.2.542]
- [PHP SDK][6.1.1062]
- [All SDKs] Documentation improvement: more detailed code samples of Clearing House messages
- [Server] Authorisation change: limiting the ability of special systems (e.g. TMS) to make data changes. Non-NRS systems will now only have jurisdiction over their own records (i..e marked with the relevant SystemID).
Release notes for Sprint 141
Server part released to PRODUCTION on 2021-04-13. SDKs released on 2021-04-13 but see an important comment below.
Preproduction environment
FIFA TMS (Transfer Matching System) started using the new version in FIFA Connect ID Preproduction environment on Wednesday, 21st April, 12:00 GMT+2 (Zurich time). Until then only the previous SDK versions were compatible with TMS and therefore replied correctly. You have to switch to the new version (links above) after that date. If you choose to switch later, please note that the Clearing House related functionality as specified above will not work properly. Other functionalities related to Connect ID Service integration will continue to work as before.
Production environment
- [.NET SDK][6.1.1283]
- [Java SDK][6.2.534]
- [PHP SDK][6.1.1052]
Server side (released to Production)
- added server side validation to fix a problem that was allowing MA to register a person with multiple registrations for the same sport (in rare situation)
SDK side
- minor improvements to SDK documentation for all technologies
- moved the logic of calculating a Primary Data Provider (PDP) from SDK to the server side. PDP is an MA that is chosen to be asked for details of a potential duplicate.
- [.NET SDK] fixed a problem that was preventing cache DB to be cleaned for those MAs who implemented DeleteOlderThan method
- [Java SDK] CacheCleanJob interface was introduced, implemented by PersonDetailsCacheCleanJob (formerly PersonDetailsCacheCleanJobImpl).
- [Java SDK] Cache clean job is no longer run by default when configuring the listener. To start it alongside the listener, please provide it as a parameter to the configureListener method in the RegistrationFacade
- Clearing House Messages changes are documented separately for each technology (downloads available above):
Release notes for Sprint 138
Released to PRODUCTION on 2021-03-05.
- [.NET SDK][6.1.1202]
- [.NET SDK] minor changes in the GetAllOrganisations(...) response
- amendedTotalHits to mean the total size instead of the batch size
- renamed ScrollId to NextBatchToken
Release notes for Sprint 137
Released to PRODUCTION on 2021-02-25.
- [.NET SDK][6.1.11]
- [.NET SDK] possibility to fetch all organisations registered in the given Member Association (GetAllOrganisations method)
Release notes for Sprint 136
Released to PRODUCTION on 2021-02-15.
- [.NET SDK][6.1.1184]
- [Java SDK][6.2.486]
- [PHP SDK][6.1.982]
- [All SDKs] SearchAdvanced(...) method for searching organisations has been replaced with a new Find(...) method. We recommend migration from both Search(...) and SearchAdvanced(...) to Find(...). Differences:
- new method aims at limiting search results. This is achieved by replacing OR with AND clause for all search conditions. For example, providing "Club Name" and "MA" as parameters for Find(...) will return clubs with a similar name from a given MA. At the same time the Search(...) would return all clubs from a given MA sorted by how well the name matches.
- improvements have been implemented to Find(...) method for better matching of phrases with dots and abbreviations (e.g."F.C."). Those improvements have not been implemented for the Search(...) method.
- new method includes the "score" field (as returned by the search engine) which in some cases may help in gauging how similar the search results are (this said, the score is not normalized, so the functionality is quite limited).
- new method takes all the same parameters as SearchAdvanced so the migration is very easy
- [All SDKs] possibility to include PDF documents has been added to a Domestic Transfer Declaration message (previously only JPGs were supported)
- [.NET SDK] TMS is now able to ask for details of an Amateur player as well as a Professional (Clearing House scenario)
Release notes for Sprint 135
Released to PRODUCTION on 2021-01-20.
- [DevTools] Reset button added in PE17 and PE18 allowing MA to fix the record potentially broken by the testing
Bug fixes:
- fixed a bug preventing Persons Report in Admin Console ( from being filtered by the "last operation date" (Advanced filters)
- fixed a bug in the OrganisationSearchAdvanced method causing a wrong ModificationDate to be returned to the client
Release notes for Sprint 134
Released to PRODUCTION on 2021-01-08.
- [.NET SDK][6.1.1156]
- [Java SDK][6.2.459]
- [PHP SDK][6.1.933]
- [All SDKs] Listener logging improved and consolidated across the SDKs
- [.NET SDK] Prevented unhandled exceptions from message handlers stopping the Listener
- [Java SDK] Added proxy support for auth calls
- [Java SDK] Brought back the ability to provide a custom implementation of hashing algorithm for person's local system ID
Release notes for Sprint 130
Released to PRODUCTION on 2020-11-20.
- [.NET SDK][6.1.1133]
- [Java SDK][6.2.425]
- [PHP SDK][6.1.900]
- [All SDKs] Documentation improvement: expected behaviour for IPersonDetailsCache's GetByCorrelationId described
- [All SDKs] New method added for getting Member Association of a child organisation (e.g. a club)
- [.NET SDK] Custom validation for API models implemented - invalid requests to register organisations will now fail on the client without being sent to the server
- new test added to DevTools ( allowing a Member Association to verify if they use personLocalId field during the persons' registration
Release notes for Sprint 129
Released to PRODUCTION on 2020-10-29.
- [.NET SDK][6.1.1081]
- [Java SDK][6.2.403]
- [PHP SDK][6.1.862]
- [All SDKs] Migration from Azure Active Directory Authentication Library (ADAL) to Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL)
Release notes for Sprint 128
Released to PRODUCTION on 2020-10-07.
- [.NET SDK][6.1.1053]
- [Java SDK][6.2.375]
- [PHP SDK][6.1.837]
- [All SDKs] Documentation improvements - personLocalId described, updated code snippets, mentioned size limit for player's photo
- [Java SDK] Fixed error which led to NullPointException during initialization of FifaConnectIdClientImpl.
Release notes for Sprint 126
Released to PRODUCTION on 2020-09-21.
- [.NET SDK][6.1.1033]
- [Java SDK][6.2.351]
- [.NET SDK] XML documentation attached (IntelliSense available in Visual Studio)
- [.NET SDK] Turkish currency code fixed
- [Java SDK] Organizations without pictureLink can be retrieved using an adapter
Release notes for Sprint 124
Released to PRODUCTION on 2020-08-05.
- [.NET SDK][6.1.1026]
- [Java SDK][6.2.330]
- [PHP SDK][6.1.807]
- [All SDKs] Added a new property to TMS-related messages: Domestic Transfer Confirmation & First Pro Registration Confirmation, containing an error in case TMS failed to process a request.
- [All SDKs] Added response to a TMS-related message Proof Of Payment.
- [All SDKs] Various documentation improvements.
Release notes for Sprint 122
Released to PRODUCTION on 2020-07-08.
- [.NET SDK][6.1.989]
- [Java SDK][6.2.282]
- [PHP SDK][6.1.778]
- [.NET SDK] Improved error message when XSD schema files cannot be loaded. The algorithm used to locate the files has been changed. If you encounter an unexpected error related to scenarios.xsd file, please refer to the chapter (Prepare data for XML serialization) in the SDK documentation.
- [.NET SDK] There is no need to implement own IPathResolver in order to indicate a custom location of XSD schema files. More on this in the chapter (Prepare data for XML serialization).
- [Java SDK] Further improvements to fix memory leaks during registration.
- [Java SDK] Documentation improvements - code snippets updates.
Release notes for Sprint 121
Released to PRODUCTION on 2020-06-26.
- [.NET SDK][6.1.970]
- [Java SDK][6.2.256]
- [PHP SDK][6.1.762]
- support for the Clearing House communication - more on this here
- [Java SDK] improved exception handling
- [Java SDK] introduced JavaDocs
- [Java SDK] added HttpProxy setting to RegistrationFacadeSettings
Allow passing http proxy information to registration facade to set up a proxy between SDK and internet facing server. It is helpful in some scenarios where the infrastructure doesn't allow to set a direct connection between SDK hosting machine and Service Bus infrastructure. - bug fixes
- [PHP SDK] fixed error that in rare cases could lead to the loss of information about person details (when deserializing person-details messages created "manually", i.e. without the use of a default serializer plus using a custom namespace instead of a default one).
- [Java SDK] fixed an issue causing memory leak when persons were registered with the use of PersonLocal instead of PersonData.
- [.NET SDK] added a missing declaration of SearchAdvancedOrganisation in IFifaConnectIdClient interface
- general improvements to the documentation
Release notes for Sprint 116
Released to PRODUCTION on 2020-05-05.
- [Java SDK][6.2.159] [.NET SDK 6.1.839] [PHP SDK 6.1.839] - new search method for organisations - SearchAdvancedOrganisation. (When searching using SearchAdvancedOrganisation date and time is used for filtering against ModifiedAt. In SearchOrganisation only date is used.)
New version of certificate console (console doesn't close automatically on error) - [Java Service Bus SDK][3.0.46] [.NET Service Bus SDK 3.0.428] [PHP Service Bus SDK 3.0.414] - new version of certificate console (console doesn't close automatically on error)
Release notes for Sprint 115
Released to PRODUCTION on 2020-04-27.
- [Java SDK][6.2.156] Fixed an internal problem causing the code to send the empty SDK version along with the Person details message. This problem had no negative consequences to the user.
Release notes for Sprint 112/113
Released to PRODUCTION on 2020-03-25.
- [PHP SDK] Providing SDK version failed due to wrong path resolution (slash problem). For a user there was no problem but Connect ID Team could not know which SDK version was in use.
- [Java SDK] PersonLocalXmlSerializerImpl deserialization failed when either regionOfBirth or localSystemMAId was empty. Fifa Connect Data Standard does not require these fields, so deserialization should have worked correctly.
Release notes for Sprint 111
Released to PRODUCTION on 2020-02-05.
- [.NET SDK] Bugfix - fixed error while initializing RegistrationFacade
- [.NET SDK] SecondNationality property in PersonLocal type made nullable.
- [.NET SDK] An option to specify a custom path to XSD file added.
Release notes for Sprint 107
Released to PRODUCTION on 2019-12-23.
- new FIFA Data Standard (ver. 3.3) released (more here)
- all SDKs upgraded to follow the newest standard. Full release notes are available here. Upgrade is required until 2020-02-29.
- server side upgraded to follow the FIFA Data Standard (ver. 3.3)
- [Java SDK] Upgraded libraries & dependencies for Java, including Guava library
Release notes for Sprint 106
Released to PRODUCTION on 2019-12-10.
- [Java SDK] Upgraded Java version to 11. This is a breaking change.
- SDK method names and signatures remained the same
- Some external libraries have been updated. SDK might not be compliant with solutions based on earlier versions of Java.
- [SDK] Internal feature added to help Connect ID Team. PersonDetails message now includes SDK version as its property.
The next version of Java SDK is expected within the next few weeks. This time all external dependencies will have been upgraded (including Guava library). There will be no breaking changes in the newest version when compared to this one.
Release notes for Sprint 97
Released to PRODUCTION on 2019-08-08.
- New features & improvements:
- [SDK] Extended list of supported countries: Montenegro.
Release notes for Sprint 93
Released to PRODUCTION on 2019-06-19.
- New features & improvements:
- [preview, available only for Admin users] Power BI based reports showing statistics for Persons and Audit Trail operations
- [PHP only] improved error handling. More information is now available in logs.
- documentation now explains better when it is required to use IPersonDetailsCache
- new version of the deduplication algorithm for Organisations/Clubs. It is now returning 93% less false positives while still being able to catch some real duplicates.
Release notes for Sprint 91 & 92
Released to PRODUCTION on 2019-05-29.
- New features & improvements:
- [available on request] Report showing the date & type of different operations executed in Connect ID by Member Associations. Report shows aggregated data and can be used to follow up with less active MAs and help them solve any potential problems they might be having with the system.
- step-by-step procedure was improved to prepare Member Associations for a situation when they get a potential duplicate in their own MA (but not registered by their system)
- [TMS][SDK] when querying all the clubs created/modified within the time range, it is now possible to see the time of creation/modification (added ModifiedAt property)
- [TMS][SDK] messages to register/update players in TMS now also contain information about the source organisation (SourceOrganisationID)
- [TMS][SDK] provided a method allowing to query all MAs to understand whether they are on-boarded or not
- [Admin Console] in person reports section we changed the label "Date of Registration" to "Last Operation Date" and provided an additional explanation in a tooltip to avoid confusion
- [released to Preproduction environment only]
- We updated the deduplication algorithm for Organisations/Clubs. It is now returning 93% less false positives while still being able to catch some real duplicates. The new algorithm has been deployed to Preproduction environment for verification by a couple of clients.
Release notes for Sprint 90
Released to PRODUCTION on 2019-05-08.
- New features & improvements:
- [SDK] Unified IsOnboarded method with GetNationalAssociationOnboardedStatus. GetNationalAssociationOnboardedStatus can be used for verifing whether given Member Associations or all Member Associations have joined the Connect Programme or not.
- [SDK] Added ModifiedFromDate and ModifiedToDate parameters to organizations Search method.
Release notes for Sprint 89
Released to PRODUCTION on 2019-04-17.
- New features & improvements:
- [SDK] Added IsOnboarded method to verify whether given Member Association has joined the Connect Programme or not.
Release notes for Sprint 88
Released to PRODUCTION on 2019-04-01.
- New features & improvements:
- [SDK] Added method to query for details for a specific player by FIFA_ID. Access is restricted to professional players.
Release notes for Sprint 84 - 86
Released to PRODUCTION on 2019-03-14.
- New features & improvements:
- [SDK] Extended list of supported countries (Kosovo, Curacao, South Sudan)
- Documentation improvements
- Bug fixes
- [SDK][.NET] Fixed issue which would cause the inability to locate the path to the resources file when application has been started from different directory than root
Release notes for Sprint 82 & 83
Released to PRODUCTION on 2019-01-23.
- New features & improvements:
- [SDK/.NET] method for updating player details in TMS has been added to .NET SDK
- [SDK/PHP] methods for creating and updating players in TMS have been added to PHP SDK
- documentation improvements
- new article explaining the meaning of score and type of variants returned by Connect ID in case of duplicates
- [Admin Console] Menu entry "[Beta] Reports" changed into "Reports"
- Bug fixes
- [Admin Console] fixed issue which would cause the link to a merged person appear in Admin Console even if the merged person has been deleted
Release notes for Sprint 81
Released to PRODUCTION on 2019-01-03.
- New features & improvements:
- [Admin Console/Reports] "Table" reports showing persons/clubs statistics per MA now allow export to CSV
- [SDK][PHP] Improved level of detailing when logging exceptions of type RegistrationFacadeException
- Bug fixes
- [Server] Fixed bugs in organisations/facilities de-duplication, resulting in excessive number of potential duplicates during registration. In particular:
- (major fix) In documentation ( we describe 50% similarity rule (by double asterisk - **). That rule was not applied and two names have been considered similar too often.
- (minor fix) Levenhstein distance was not taken into consideration which resulted in too few duplicates
- (minor fix) LocalShortName was not considered as a part of de-duplication algorithm. Instead of it, algorithm tried to match LocalName with ShortName field.
- [SDK] Fixed bug which prevented to update person's gender alone (without updating his/her name or date of birth)
- [Server] Fixed bugs in organisations/facilities de-duplication, resulting in excessive number of potential duplicates during registration. In particular:
Release notes for Sprint 76
Released to PRODUCTION on 2018-10-17.
- New features & improvements:
- [SDK] Added bulk deactivation functionality (more information and code example in Section 3.2.10 Bulk deactivating registrations in SDK documentation)
- [SDK] Improved documentation with easier navigation
- [SDK][PHP] Made Level in PlayerRegistrationType validation case insensitive
Release notes for Sprint 72 & 73
Released to PRODUCTION on 2018-09-10.
- New features & improvements:
- [SDK] Added functionality that takes care of generating FIFA Data Standard compliant XML document with Person Details when responding to other MAs. Clients will no longer need to create XML manually and communication via Service Bus will become more reliable. To know more, refer to PersonLocalXmlSerializer code.
- [SDK] Added functionality to validate any XML content against FIFA Data Standard (XsdSchemaValidator).
- [SDK][PHP] fixed problem which under certain circumstances would cause MA to send multiple (thousands) messages as a reply to person details request (multiplying default event handlers when running configureEventHandlers() method in a loop).
- [Admin Console] Fixed tooltips
- [Admin Console] Improvements to Reports pages:
- Data grids (tables) now support up to 8 digits when displaying numerical values
- Added filtering by registration status on Persons dashboard
- Added multi-choice filtering by discipline on Persons dashboard
- Added multi-choice filtering by gender on Persons dashboard
- [SDK] Separate tools for generating private/public keys and uploading public keys, have been combined. As a result they are now simpler to use and the process is less error prone.
- [SDK] [.NET] Add
folder from the SDK package to the root folder of your project to use PersonLocalXmlSerializer.
- New articles with a step-by-step instruction of why & how to provide person details to other MAs:
It was released together with the following versions of the SDKs:
Release notes for Sprint 70
Released to PRODUCTION on 2018-07-28
- new features & improvements
- support for System ID (multiple football management systems per MA) - see a short FAQ section below.
For this version an upgrade to a new SDK is recommended. Without update, it will not be possible to find duplicates in the member associations that store data in external systems. See a short FAQ section below.
It was released together with the following versions of the SDKs:
Service Bus SDKs are included in the packages above. If you use separate SDK for Service Bus, download the new version from the list below:
System ID functionality allows to register persons even if their native MA has not joined Connect ID. For example a Spanish player may be registered by an UEFA operated system FAME, although Spain is not yet part of ConnectID. The concept is very simple: FAME, when registering players, will add an additional property (System ID) to a player object. Thanks to it, ConnectID will know that requests for player details (via Service Bus) should be routed to FAME and not to Spanish Football Management System (not connected).
System ID also supports a case when two systems operate in a single MA - e.g. one holds all Amateur players and another, all Professional players.
You need to upgrade your SDK, because new version contains a new logic for routing request for player details messages. Such messages are sent when duplicates are returned by ConnectID and need to be resolved. When upgraded, your SDK - in the example described above - will correctly route a messages to a FAME system, instead to a non-connected Spanish Football Management System.
How difficult is it to upgrade? Do I need to write any additional code?
Upgrading from a previous version of the SDK is very easy as there are no breaking changes. No additional code needs to be written as System ID is an optional property and needs to be filled only in a few cases (e.g. by FAME system). If you haven't been contacted by a Connect ID team yet, you will not need to change your code.
Note: if you are using an older version of SDK the chances are that you will need to adapt your code anyway. There might have been breaking changes between your version and the new one. See the release notes below (you can also review the change log section in the newest SDK documentation).
What happens if I don't upgrade?
At the moment no system uses System ID in Production so there will be no negative consequences of not upgrading. With time, however, some players will appear in Connect ID with System ID (i.e. registered e.g. by FAME). Let's see what happens if such a player is found as a duplicate and you have not upgraded:
- Connect ID returns information that for a player you are trying to register a duplicate was found e.g. in Spain (but with System ID, i.e. operated by FAME)
- regardless of the SDK version, SDK now tries to send a message to a Spanish MA to provide player details
- your old SDK cannot resolve System ID so the message is sent to a wrong address. As a result your will get a time out and no player details will be returned. You will only have a basic information about a potential duplicate from Connect ID Service.
- new, upgraded SDK, would correctly route the message to FAME system and you would receive player details from FAME - as in standard scenarios.
Therefore it is recommended to upgrade SDK to the newest version.
Will I receive a support when upgrading the SDK?
Of course. If you run into any trouble, we'll be happy to help. Please open a ticket directly in the portal or send an e-mail to
Release notes for Sprint 57
Released to PRODUCTION on 2018-01-24
- SDK changes (Connect Service Bus)
- Added support for the new environments to the SDK and console app (certificate uploader),
- The mechanism of the authentication has been slightly rebuilt (.NET only):
- AuthenticationInformation class: main constructor has been changed. Service url is no longer required.
- IAuthenticationResourceBuilder interface: BuildResourceUri has been modified. Service url is no longer required.
- ConnectServiceBusAuthenticationResourceBuilder class: The interface has been updated and a new constructor has been added which requires passing the environment code to which the application connects. List of all environment codes can be found in the documentation.
- ConnectServiceBusEnvironment class: main constructor has been removed. In order to create an environment class use predefined properties or newly created factory method: "Create(string environmentCode)".
- SDK changes (Connect Id)
- Added support for the new environments,
- Authentication (.NET only):
- ConnectIdAuthenticationResourceBuilder class: The class has been rebuilt. It no longer implements the base class AuthenticationResourceBuilderBase, but instead implements the interface: IAuthenticationResourceBuilder. In order to create instance of this class use one of the two available factory methods: ForIdDirectory() or ForHashing() and pass environment code of the used environment.
- ConnectIdEnvironmentclass: main constructor has been removed. In order to create an environment class use predefined properties or newly created factory method: "Create(string environmentCode)".
Release notes for Sprint 42 & 43 & 44
Released to PRODUCTION on 2017-07-17.
- new features & improvements
- [Admin Console] added exact match on 'Country' fields
- [Admin Console] information about parent organisation id is replaced by name of parent organisation
- [Admin Console] added information about merge operations in Persons view
- [Admin Console] improved search for organisations in facility. It's possible to filter organisations / facilities by their parent or nature.
- [Admin Console] Organisation / facility now have a link to list of sub-organisations/facilities
- [Admin Console] added possibility to export more than 10K records (new limitation is 100K)
- Organisations are now additionally validated by nature during registration/update (e.g. Confederation cannot be registered under NationalAssociation)
- [Deduplication Console] support for identifiers containing letters (Connect Platform case) added
- [Deduplication Console] total number of hashes is displayed as part of the diagnostics information
- SDK changes
- added additional parameter (MA identifiers) in the person duplicate search to allow searching for duplicates only within a specific MA(s)
- added additional method for getting duplicates by FIFA_ID (useful during person renewal to learn whether any new duplicates of a person were registered since the last update of a person)
- full support for asynchronous API was introduced
- fixes
- [Deduplication Console] fixed grouping issue that occasionally caused wrong (not optimal) groups to be displayed
- [Deduplication Console] fixed information about number of found duplicates (related to the previous issue)
- changed error message in Swagger when user belongs to more than one organization
- calls to Google translate will now retry in case of a timeout
For this version an upgrade to a new SDK is recommended.
It was released together with the following versions of the SDKs:
Service Bus SDKs are included in the packages above. If you use separate SDK for Service Bus, download the new version from the list below:
Full release notes are available in JIRA:
Release notes for Sprint 41
Released to PRODUCTION on 2017-06-08.
- new features & improvements
- [Admin Console] when session times out an error message is displayed instead of a page silently failing as before
- [Admin Console] interface cleaned up (unused elements removed from the UI)
- SDK changes
- method added for unmerging a club
- fixes
- all queues were changed to non-partitioned ones. This fix removes occasional 60 sec. delays in transferring messages to and from Singapore MA.
For this version an upgrade to a new SDK is recommended.
It was released together with the following versions of the SDKs:
Full release notes are available in JIRA:
No upgrade of Service Bus SDK is required.
Release notes for Sprint 40
Released to PRODUCTION on 2017-05-24.
- new features & improvements
- [Admin Console] information about the number of child organisations has been added to a single organisation and single facility view (e.g. how many clubs a certain MA has)
- SDK changes (bring full compatibility with FIFA Data Standard 3.2)
- Method
removed in order to prevent mistakes (registrations should be deactivated) - Changed type name
toOrganisationLocalType and
toFacilityLocalType. This allows to store more information about a certain entity (e.g. local name in non-latin script and not only international name). This allows to store more information about the Organisation and Facility, however please note, that localName, localLanguage and localCountry are mandatory properties as per Data Standard.
- Added properties
- Changed names for collections in
- Changed
- Added support for
collection inPersonType
. - Renamed property from
- Renamed type from
- Order of parameters changed in method
- Added new exception type
. It might be thrown when merging or unmerging persons. Facility.GroundNatureType changed from "HardPitch" to "hard pitch". Other values of Facility.groundNatureType return only lower case now (accept all cases).
we no longer accept time part for some of the properties that have been of DateTime type before
- Method
This version contains breaking changes (note the change of a major version from 5 to 6). Upgrade to a new SDK will require a few coding changes but is recommended.
Please note that ver. 4 of the SDK/API is no longer officially supported.
The following versions of the SDKs are part of the release:
- PHP SDK - planned for end of May
Full release notes are available in JIRA: Sprint 40.
No upgrade of Service Bus SDK is required.
Release notes for Sprint 38 & 39
Released to PRODUCTION on 2017-05-12.
- new features & improvements
- support for Gender has been added to both SDK and Admin Console. Gender is now an optional attribute of a Person (to avoid the need to do a data migration immediately)
- support for RegistrationNature ("Registration" or "Loan") has been added to registrations in SDK and Admin Console
- [Admin Console] "Organisation force registered" and "Facility force registered" events have been added to Audit Trail; filtering added as well
- it is now possible to remove a person completely from ConnectID (contact with Helpdesk is required)
- [SDK] idempotency concept has been implemented for person force registration. Clients should start passing LocalIDs to ConnectID which will prevent the system from creating multiple identical persons in case the code fails and "force" flag is used.
- [SDK] validation against null values has been introduced, resulting in more meaningful 40x errors instead of 50x as before
- fixes
- Admin Console now shows empty fields for facility's width/length/latitued/longitude if these values were not passed to Connect ID (before it was 0)
- full phone mask validation is now working correctly in all technologies. Before it was possible to pass an incorrect value after the phone number extension (mask was not validating beginning and end of the string)
For this version an upgrade to a new SDK is recommended.
It was released together with the following versions of the SDKs:
Full release notes are available in JIRA:
No upgrade of Service Bus SDK is required.
Release notes for Sprint 37
Released to PRODUCTION on 2017-04-13.
- new features & improvements
- [Admin Console]
- full text search introduced for Organisations and Facilities view - up to now you could only search by FIFA_ID
- reporting on transfers within FIFA Connect ID is now possible; you can report per time/age/level/MA/Confederation
- added filtering Persons view by date of birth (from/to)
- added filtering Persons view by Member Association
- [Admin Console]
- fixes
- search for duplicates of Facilities is now done within the same MA only
- fixed an issue causing notifications about changed date of birth to display "0" instead of a valid FIFA_ID
- [SDK][PHP] fixed an issue with FacilityType::valid() method which did not properly validate phone number (there was no effect on the Production system)
Release notes for Sprint 36
Released to PRODUCTION on 2017-03-28.
- new features & improvements
- [Admin Console]
- Notification centre screen is now available, providing overview of all notifications generated for a specific MA
- go-to-last-page button in each table now displays a tooltip explaining the reason it is sometimes not available
- Notification e-mail body is now enriched with the URL to notifications centre
- Notification e-mail body now indicates that the time given is UTC
- [SDK] - breaking changes present
- introduced national duplicate check when registering/updating Organisations and Facilities. New message code needs to be handled (409) on the client side. Documentation on how the algorithm works can be found here.
- introduced optional force parameter in RegisterOrganisationAsync and UpdateOrganisationAsync methods
- feature added that allows to filter messages if the client does not want to respond when asked for person details by a certain MA. Technically: changed signature of method GetPersonDetails in IPersonDetailsProvider interface. Instance of PersonDetailsRequest is passed as an argument of GetPersonDetails. PersonDetailsRequest contains information about person UniqueFifaId and organisation asking for information (ReplyTo).
- phone number validation modified for Organisations and Facilities (new mask)
- [Admin Console]
- fixes
- fixed an issue which would prevent non-Ascii user name to be passed to Connect ID as actor/user details
- [PHP] fixed an issue which could cause Service Bus listener to hang during PeekLock
For this version an upgrade to a new SDK is recommended, however 1 change is not backward compatible. Until the SDK is upgraded from ver. 4, the system will be operational but new features cannot be used.
This version was released together with the following versions of the SDKs (notice that major version of API has been increased to 5):
Full release notes are available in JIRA: Sprint 36.
No upgrade of Service Bus SDK is required.
Release notes for Sprint 35
Released to PRODUCTION on 2017-03-15.
- new features & improvements
- [Admin Console]
- added export to csv/Excel from every table (Person/Organisation/Facility/Audit trail)
- added support for searching and filtering Audit trail by so called actor details (users of Football Management System/FMS)
- default dashboard (MA) is now cleaned - there is no longer menu, logo or other potentially distracting elements of the UI
- [Admins only] added possibility to export/import dashboards and reports
- Notification e-mail body is now enriched with the name of the user of FMS who performed the operation (if passed from the FMS)
- [SDK]
- added support for passing actor details (user of FMS)
- added Unmerge method for unmerging persons merged by mistake
- [PHP only] it is now possible to configure location of the cache folder (in particular to place it outside of application directory)
- [Admin Console]
For this version an upgrade to a new SDK is recommended. Changes are backward compatible but upgrade is needed to use new features.
This version was released together with the following versions of the SDKs:
Full release notes are available in JIRA: Sprint 35.
If you use Service Bus SDK alone, use the following versions:
Release notes for Sprint 34
Released to PRODUCTION on 2017-03-03.
- new features & improvements
- [Admin Console]
- added a Single Person view
- added a Single Organisation view
- added a Single Facility view
- navigation between pages improved
- support for printing Person/Organisation/Facility added
- [Reporting, Admin Console]
- new dashboard added "MA Dashboard"
- security introduced - you cannot see data from other Member Associations
- you can now use OrganisationName and ConfederationName in reports instead of FIFA_ID
- [Service Bus] limitation of 250KB per message has been lifted. Service Bus now allows to transfer messages as big as 10MB.
- [Admin Console]
- fixes
- fixed issue which occasionally caused errors during bulk registration of persons for Norway and Cyprus (time-outs from Hashing service)
- Microsoft fixed the issue which caused occasional time-outs from Service Bus in mid-February
This version does not require upgrade of SDK.
Full release notes are available in JIRA: Sprint 34.
Release notes for Sprint 33
Released to PRODUCTION on 2017-02-15.
- new features & improvements
- [Admin Console] added filtering Person's view by
- role (Player, MatchOfficial, TeamOfficial, OrganizationOfficial)
- level (Professional, Amateur)
- sub-role (e.g. Referee, TeamCoach, etc.)
- [Admin Console] total number of records added to each table
- [Admin Console] component for paging improved
- Notifications (e-mail) are now enhanced with date of operation and organisation who performed the operation
- improved documentation of Service Bus to address users' feedback
- [Admin Console] added filtering Person's view by
- fixes
- none
This version does not require upgrade of SDK.
Full release notes are available in JIRA: Sprint 33.
Release notes for Sprint 31 & Sprint 32
Released to PRODUCTION on 2017-01-31.
- new features & improvements
- [Admin Console] filtering by Discipline introduced
- [Admin Console] filtering by Registration Status introduced
- new Notifications introduced (see more TODO)
- Notifications feature is now available for everyone (subscription via opening Support Portal tickets); see more (TODO)
- [SDK, .NET] ServiceBus & ConnectID Client are now thread safe - this will prevent concurrency issues when client generates too many threads by mistake
- fixes
- fixed bug when listener would stop when it couldn't decrypt the message from the queue (instead of retrying)
- address data for FIFA organisation corrected
- minor fixes in documentation for SDK (POJO/POCO registration)
- [PHP] fixed an issue which would cause missing documentation from the Service Bus package
For this version an upgrade to a new SDK is recommended.
This version was released together with the following versions of the SDKs:
Full release notes are available in JIRA:
Release notes for Sprint 30
Released to PRODUCTION on 2017-01-05.
- new features & improvements
- [Admin Console] support for Admin Console access rights
- MA user can only see relevant Audit Trail operations
- MA user can only see Persons with active registrations of their MA (or no active registrations at all)
- first version of Notifications released in BETA (only for selected users)
- [Admin Console] on-line help now available for Admin Console
- FIFA IDs are now case insensitive everywhere in the system
- [Admin Console] support for Admin Console access rights
- fixes
- [Admin Console] fixed an issue causing entry in Audit Trail (Admin Console) to show for Facility or Organisation update even if now field has been changed
Release notes for Sprint 29:
Released to PRODUCTION on 2016-12-22.
- new features & improvements
- [SDK] first version of search for Organisation and Facility feature added
- [SDK] documentation to SDK reorganised and extended after users' feedback
- fixes
- [Admin Console] fixed error with "Create Facility" event not showing up properly in Audit Trail
- [SDK, PHP] fixed error causing details of only one duplicate to be returned via SendAndWait() even if there were more duplicates
- [SDK, Java] PersonDetails class is now serializable in Java SDK